
用于 LateX 的数学符号

http://web.ift.uib.no/Teori/KURS/WRK/TeX/symALL.html 有常用的数学符号的LaTex 写法,下面的 PDF 文件来自该网站

Latex Math Symbols.pdf


希腊字母(Greek symbols)


二进制操作符(binary operation symbols)


关系符号(Relation Symbols)


标记符号(Punctuation Symbols)


箭头符号(Arrow Symbols)


其他符号(Miscellaneous Symbols)


可变大小符号(Variable-sized Symbols)


对数相似符号(Log-like Symbols)

LaTex 指令

 \arccos     \cos       \csc      \exp      \ker         \limsup      \min      \sinh  
 \arcsin     \cosh      \deg      \gcd      \lg          \ln          \Pr       \sup 
 \arctan     \cot       \det      \hom      \lim         \log         \sec      \tan
 \arg        \coth      \dim      \inf      \liminf      \max         \sin      \tanh




大界定符(Large Delimiters)


数学模式变音符(Math mode accents)


其他结构(Some other constructions)


同样的上述文档是从以下的 LaTex 代码生成

%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-file{
%%%     filename        = "symbols.tex",
%%%     version         = "2.00",
%%%     date            = "12 June 1992",
%%%     time            = "17:19:25 BST",
%%%     author          = "David Carlisle",
%%%     address         = "Computer Science Department
%%%                        Manchester University
%%%                        Oxford Road
%%%                        Manchester
%%%                        England
%%%                        M13 9PL",
%%%     telephone       = "+44 61 275 6139",
%%%     FAX             = "+44 61 275 6236",
%%%     checksum        = "15177 476 1350 17118",
%%%     email           = "carlisle@cs.man.ac.uk (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "LaTeX, NFSS, AMSFonts, symbols",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "
%%%     symbols.tex
%%%     A listing of all the standard LaTeX, and AMS symbols.
%%%     and Math Alphabets.
%%%     If used with NFSS, It requires amssymb.sty and AMSFonts.
%%%     If used without NFSS, It does not show the AMS Fonts.
%%%     The checksum field above was produced by
%%%     Robert Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================

% Old Style LaTeX
% NFSS-specific code

               % You never noticed did you!
    \count18=3 % Well I am not supposed to know what \count18 is
               % used for, but if this wasn't here, you would have
           % to use a format based on basefont.tex


%   Cyrillic and Script are done like this to save on the bold math
%   groups. Otherwise this document can only be processed by a format
%   based on basefont.tex
%   If you do not want these *and* all the AMS stuff, you can use
%   euscript and dpccyr style options to get these fonts, but then you
%   run out of math groups (you can only have 16) unless your latex is
%   based on basefont.tex.

%    If your format is  based on fontdef.max, you do not need
%    these \new@fontshape commands, but they will not do any harm.
       <11>wncyr10 at10.95pt%
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       <14>wncyr10 at14.4pt%
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       <17>eusm10 at17.28pt%
       <20>eusm10 at20.74pt%
       <25>eusm10 at24.88pt}{}


%   A few symbols omitted from amssymb.sty
    \newsymbol\Finv 2060
    \newsymbol\Game 2061
    \newsymbol\Bbbk 207C
    \newsymbol\diagup 231E
    \newsymbol\diagdown 231F
    \newsymbol\nsucceqq 230F
% end of NFSS-specific code

% Math-mode symbol & verbatim
\def\W#1#2{$#1{#2}$ &\tt\string#1\string{#2\string}}
\def\X#1{$#1$ &\tt\string#1}
\def\Y#1{$\big#1$ &\tt\string#1}

% A non-floating table environment.

% All the tables are \label'ed in case this document ever gets some
% explanatory text written, however there are no \refs as yet. To save
% LaTeX-ing the file twice we go:

% A4 page setup
\topmargin -45pt
\oddsidemargin=-40pt \evensidemargin\oddsidemargin
\textheight 682pt


\X\alpha        &\X\theta       &\X o           &\X\tau         \\
\X\beta         &\X\vartheta    &\X\pi          &\X\upsilon     \\
\X\gamma        &\X\gamma       &\X\varpi       &\X\phi         \\
\X\delta        &\X\kappa       &\X\rho         &\X\varphi      \\
\X\epsilon      &\X\lambda      &\X\varrho      &\X\chi         \\
\X\varepsilon   &\X\mu          &\X\sigma       &\X\psi         \\
\X\zeta         &\X\nu          &\X\varsigma    &\X\omega       \\
\X\eta          &\X\xi                                          \\
\X\Gamma        &\X\Lambda      &\X\Sigma       &\X\Psi         \\
\X\Delta        &\X\Xi          &\X\Upsilon     &\X\Omega       \\
\X\Theta        &\X\Pi          &\X\Phi
\caption{Greek Letters}\label{greek}

\X\pm           &\X\cap         &\X\diamond             &\X\oplus     \\
\X\mp           &\X\cup         &\X\bigtriangleup       &\X\ominus    \\
\X\times        &\X\uplus       &\X\bigtriangledown     &\X\otimes    \\
\X\div          &\X\sqcap       &\X\triangleleft        &\X\oslash    \\
\X\ast          &\X\sqcup       &\X\triangleright       &\X\odot      \\
\X\star         &\X\vee         &\X\lhd$^b$             &\X\bigcirc   \\
\X\circ         &\X\wedge       &\X\rhd$^b$             &\X\dagger    \\
\X\bullet       &\X\setminus    &\X\unlhd$^b$           &\X\ddagger   \\
\X\cdot         &\X\wr          &\X\unrhd$^b$           &\X\amalg     \\
\X+             &\X-

$^b$ Not predefined in a format based on {\tt basefont.tex}.
     Use one of the style options\\
     {\tt oldlfont}, {\tt newlfont}, {\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}.

\caption{Binary Operation Symbols}\label{bin}

\X\leq          &\X\geq         &\X\equiv       &\X\models      \\
\X\prec         &\X\succ        &\X\sim         &\X\perp        \\
\X\preceq       &\X\succeq      &\X\simeq       &\X\mid         \\
\X\ll           &\X\gg          &\X\asymp       &\X\parallel    \\
\X\subset       &\X\supset      &\X\approx      &\X\bowtie      \\
\X\subseteq     &\X\supseteq    &\X\cong        &\X\Join$^b$    \\
\X\sqsubset$^b$ &\X\sqsupset$^b$&\X\neq         &\X\smile       \\
\X\sqsubseteq   &\X\sqsupseteq  &\X\doteq       &\X\frown       \\
\X\in           &\X\ni          &\X\propto      &\X=            \\
\X\vdash        &\X\dashv       &\X<            &\X>            \\

$^b$ Not predefined in a format based on {\tt basefont.tex}.
     Use one of the style options\\
     {\tt oldlfont}, {\tt newlfont}, {\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}.

\caption{Relation Symbols}\label{rel}

\X,     &\X;    &\X\colon       &\X\ldotp       &\X\cdotp
\caption{Punctuation Symbols}\label{punct}

\X\leftarrow            &\X\longleftarrow       &\X\uparrow     \\
\X\Leftarrow            &\X\Longleftarrow       &\X\Uparrow     \\
\X\rightarrow           &\X\longrightarrow      &\X\downarrow   \\
\X\Rightarrow           &\X\Longrightarrow      &\X\Downarrow   \\
\X\leftrightarrow       &\X\longleftrightarrow  &\X\updownarrow \\
\X\Leftrightarrow       &\X\Longleftrightarrow  &\X\Updownarrow \\
\X\mapsto               &\X\longmapsto          &\X\nearrow     \\
\X\hookleftarrow        &\X\hookrightarrow      &\X\searrow     \\
\X\leftharpoonup        &\X\rightharpoonup      &\X\swarrow     \\
\X\leftharpoondown      &\X\rightharpoondown    &\X\nwarrow     \\
\X\rightleftharpoons    &\X\leadsto$^b$

$^b$ Not predefined in a format based on {\tt basefont.tex}.
     Use one of the style options\\
     {\tt oldlfont}, {\tt newlfont}, {\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}.

\caption{Arrow Symbols}

\X\ldots        &\X\cdots       &\X\vdots       &\X\ddots       \\
\X\aleph        &\X\prime       &\X\forall      &\X\infty       \\
\X\hbar         &\X\emptyset    &\X\exists      &\X\Box$^b$     \\
\X\imath        &\X\nabla       &\X\neg         &\X\Diamond$^b$ \\
\X\jmath        &\X\surd        &\X\flat        &\X\triangle    \\
\X\ell          &\X\top         &\X\natural     &\X\clubsuit    \\
\X\wp           &\X\bot         &\X\sharp       &\X\diamondsuit \\
\X\Re           &\X\|           &\X\backslash   &\X\heartsuit   \\
\X\Im           &\X\angle       &\X\partial     &\X\spadesuit   \\
\X\mho$^b$      &\X.            &\X|

$^b$ Not predefined in a format based on {\tt basefont.tex}.
     Use one of the style options\\
     {\tt oldlfont}, {\tt newlfont}, {\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}.

\caption{Miscellaneous Symbols}\label{ord}

\X\sum          &\X\bigcap      &\X\bigodot     \\
\X\prod         &\X\bigcup      &\X\bigotimes   \\
\X\coprod       &\X\bigsqcup    &\X\bigoplus    \\
\X\int          &\X\bigvee      &\X\biguplus    \\
\X\oint         &\X\bigwedge
\caption{Variable-sized  Symbols}\label{op}

\Z\arccos &\Z\cos  &\Z\csc &\Z\exp &
           \Z\ker    &\Z\limsup &\Z\min &\Z\sinh \\
\Z\arcsin &\Z\cosh &\Z\deg &\Z\gcd &
           \Z\lg     &\Z\ln     &\Z\Pr  &\Z\sup  \\
\Z\arctan &\Z\cot  &\Z\det &\Z\hom &
           \Z\lim    &\Z\log    &\Z\sec &\Z\tan  \\
\Z\arg    &\Z\coth &\Z\dim &\Z\inf &
           \Z\liminf &\Z\max    &\Z\sin &\Z\tanh
\caption{Log-like Symbols}\label{log}

\X(             &\X)            &\X\uparrow     &\X\Uparrow     \\
\X[             &\X]            &\X\downarrow   &\X\Downarrow   \\
\X\{            &\X\}           &\X\updownarrow &\X\Updownarrow \\
\X\lfloor       &\X\rfloor      &\X\lceil       &\X\rceil       \\
\X\langle       &\X\rangle      &\X/            &\X\backslash   \\
\X|             &\X\|

\Y\rmoustache&  \Y\lmoustache&  \Y\rgroup&      \Y\lgroup\\[5pt]
\Y\arrowvert&   \Y\Arrowvert&   \Y\bracevert
\caption{Large Delimiters\label{ldels}}

\W\hat{a}     &\W\acute{a}  &\W\bar{a}    &\W\dot{a}    &\W\breve{a}\\
\W\check{a}   &\W\grave{a}  &\W\vec{a}    &\W\ddot{a}   &\W\tilde{a}\\
\caption{Math mode accents}\label{accent}

\W\widetilde{abc}       &\W\widehat{abc}                        \\
\W\overleftarrow{abc}   &\W\overrightarrow{abc}                 \\
\W\overline{abc}        &\W\underline{abc}                      \\
\W\overbrace{abc}       &\W\underbrace{abc}                     \\[5pt]
\W\sqrt{abc}            &$\sqrt[n]{abc}$&\verb|\sqrt[n]{abc}|   \\
$f'$&\verb|f'|          &$\frac{abc}{xyz}$&\verb|\frac{abc}{xyz}|
\caption{Some other constructions}\label{other}


\caption{AMS Delimiters\label{ams-del}}
\X\dashrightarrow       &\X\dashleftarrow
        &\X\leftleftarrows      &\X\leftrightarrows     \\
\X\Lleftarrow           &\X\twoheadleftarrow
        &\X\leftarrowtail       &\X\looparrowleft       \\
\X\leftrightharpoons    &\X\curvearrowleft
        &\X\circlearrowleft     &\X\Lsh                 \\
\X\upuparrows           &\X\upharpoonleft
        &\X\downharpoonleft     &\X\multimap            \\
\X\leftrightsquigarrow  &\X\rightrightarrows
        &\X\rightleftarrows     &\X\rightrightarrows    \\
\X\rightleftarrows      &\X\twoheadrightarrow
        &\X\rightarrowtail      &\X\looparrowright      \\
\X\rightleftharpoons    &\X\curvearrowright
        &\X\circlearrowright    &\X\Rsh                 \\
\X\downdownarrows       &\X\upharpoonright
        &\X\downharpoonright    &\X\rightsquigarrow

\caption{AMS Arrows\label{ams-arrows}}

\X\nleftarrow   &\X\nrightarrow &\X\nLeftarrow  &\X\nRightarrow \\
\caption{AMS Negated Arrows\label{ams-narrows}}

\X\digamma      &\X\varkappa
\caption{AMS Greek\label{ams-greek}}

\X\beth &\X\daleth      &\X\gimel
\caption{AMS Hebrew\label{ams-hebrew}}

\X\hbar         &\X\hslash      &\X\vartriangle &\X\triangledown      \\
\X\square       &\X\lozenge     &\X\circledS    &\X\angle             \\
\X\measuredangle&\X\nexists     &\X\mho         &\X\Finv$^u$          \\
\X\Game$^u$     &\X\Bbbk$^u$    &\X\backprime   &\X\varnothing        \\
\X\blacktriangle&\X\blacktriangledown&\X\blacksquare&\X\blacklozenge  \\
\X\bigstar      &\X\sphericalangle      &\X\complement  &\X\eth       \\
\X\diagup$^u$   &\X\diagdown$^u$

$^u$ Not defined in {\tt amssymb.sty}, define using the
\verb|\newsymbol|  command.

\caption{AMS Miscellaneous\label{ams-misc}}

\X\dotplus      &\X\smallsetminus&\X\Cap        &\X\Cup               \\
\X\barwedge     &\X\veebar      &\X\doublebarwedge&\X\boxminus        \\
\X\boxtimes     &\X\boxdot      &\X\boxplus     &\X\divideontimes     \\
\X\ltimes       &\X\rtimes      &\X\leftthreetimes&\X\rightthreetimes \\
\X\curlywedge   &\X\curlyvee    &\X\circleddash &\X\circledast        \\
\X\circledcirc  &\X\centerdot   &\X\intercal

\caption{AMS Binary Operators\label{ams-bin}}

\X\leqq         &\X\leqslant    &\X\eqslantless        &\X\lesssim    \\
\X\lessapprox   &\X\approxeq    &\X\lessdot            &\X\lll        \\
\X\lessgtr      &\X\lesseqgtr   &\X\lesseqqgtr         &\X\doteqdot   \\
\X\risingdotseq &\X\fallingdotseq&\X\backsim           &\X\backsimeq  \\
\X\subseteqq    &\X\Subset      &\X\sqsubset           &\X\preccurlyeq\\
\X\curlyeqprec  &\X\precsim     &\X\precapprox     &\X\vartriangleleft\\
\X\trianglelefteq&\X\vDash      &\X\Vvdash             &\X\smallsmile \\
\X\smallfrown   &\X\bumpeq      &\X\Bumpeq             &\X\geqq       \\
\X\geqslant     &\X\eqslantgtr  &\X\gtrsim             &\X\gtrapprox  \\
\X\gtrdot       &\X\ggg         &\X\gtrless            &\X\gtreqless  \\
\X\gtreqqless   &\X\eqcirc      &\X\circeq             &\X\triangleq  \\
\X\thicksim     &\X\thickapprox &\X\supseteqq          &\X\Supset     \\
\X\sqsupset     &\X\succcurlyeq &\X\curlyeqsucc        &\X\succsim    \\
\X\succapprox   &\X\vartriangleright&\X\trianglerighteq&\X\Vdash      \\
\X\shortmid     &\X\shortparallel&\X\between           &\X\pitchfork  \\
\X\varpropto    &\X\blacktriangleleft&\X\therefore     &\X\backepsilon\\

\caption{AMS Binary Relations\label{ams-rel}}
\X\nless        &\X\nleq        &\X\nleqslant   &\X\nleqq       \\
\X\lneq         &\X\lneqq       &\X\lvertneqq   &\X\lnsim       \\
\X\lnapprox     &\X\nprec       &\X\npreceq     &\X\precnsim    \\
\X\precnapprox  &\X\nsim        &\X\nshortmid   &\X\nmid        \\
\X\nvdash       &\X\nvDash      &\X\ntriangleleft&\X\ntrianglelefteq\\
\X\nsubseteq    &\X\subsetneq   &\X\varsubsetneq&\X\subsetneqq  \\
\X\varsubsetneqq&\X\ngtr        &\X\ngeq        &\X\ngeqslant   \\
\X\ngeqq        &\X\gneq        &\X\gneqq       &\X\gvertneqq   \\
\X\gnsim        &\X\gnapprox    &\X\nsucc       &\X\nsucceq     \\
\X\nsucceqq$^u$ &\X\succnsim    &\X\succnapprox &\X\ncong       \\
\X\nshortparallel&\X\nparallel  &\X\nvDash      &\X\nVDash      \\
\X\supsetneq    &\X\varsupsetneq&\X\supsetneqq  &\X\varsupsetneqq

$^u$ Not defined in {\tt amssymb.sty}, define using the
\verb|\newsymbol| command.

\caption{AMS Negated Binary Relations\label{ams-nrel}}

 &\tt newlfont/margid&\tt oldlfont/nomargid&Requried style option\\
        &\verb|\mathrm{ABCdef}| &\verb|{\mathrm ABCdef}|
        &       \\
        &\verb|\cal{ABC}| &\verb|{\cal ABC}|
        &       \\
        &\verb|\EuScript{ABC}| &\verb|{\EuScript ABCdef}|
        &{\tt euscript}                         \\
        &\verb|\frak{ABCdef}| &\verb|{\frak ABCdef}|
        &{\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}        \\
        &\verb|\Bbb{ABC}| &\verb|{\Bbb ABC}|
        &{\tt amsfonts} or {\tt amssymb}        \\
        &\verb|\mathcyr{ABCdef}| &\verb|{\mathcyr ABCdef}|
        &{\tt cyrillic}
\caption{Math Alphabets\label{alphabets}}
